Village Government > Frequent Buttons > Village Treasurer
Village Treasurer
A position appointed by the Village Council, the Village Clerk/Treasurer undertakes all accounting and financial records and the reporting systems in a manner consistent with established and accepted municipal accounting principles and practices.
Treasurer Responsibilities
Treasurer responsibilities consist of:
- Participate in preparing the property tax roll and administers the tax collection process including closing, settlement and ongoing collection of delinquent personal property taxes.
- Monitors and analyzes expenditures throughout the fiscal year to maintain compliance with the approved budget.
- Oversees the collection and investment of all Village funds as well as investigates and examines various investment options to achieve the objectives of the investment policy.
- Participates in preparing the property tax roll and administers the tax collection process including closing, settlement and ongoing collection of delinquent personal property taxes.
- Performs numerous financial and administrative duties related to financial and management reporting, contract administration, oversight of Village transactions, records maintenance and information systems maintenance and upgrade.