Village Government > Council, Boards, Commissions and Committees > Downtown Development Authority
Downtown Development Authority
In August 1993, The Pentwater Village Council voted to enact the Downtown Development Authority Ordinance #145 to establish the DDA with this statement of purpose: "The purposes of the authority is to implement Act 197 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 1975, as amended, including, but are not limited to, the correction and prevention of deterioration in the downtown district, the creation and implementation of development plans in the downtown district, and the promotion of economic growth therein." Since then, volunteer board members from the Village have been working to ensure that our community stays healthy and vibrant.
The DDA holds regular meetings on the second Friday every even month; 8:30am at Park Place Meeting Center.
The public is always welcome.
What We Do
The Downtown Development Authority consists of a wonderful group of volunteer board members who work to ensure our community stays vibrant and welcoming. Established in 1993, the DDA has put great effort into embracing their responsibilities and have accomplished many great projects in their short establishment, with many future projects in the works.
To view the history, past and present projects of the DDA please click on the link below.
DDA Members
Village President
Mary Marshall
Term Expires: Term of Office
Mark Shotwell
Term Expires: October 2026
Vice Chair
Ryan Williams
Term Expires: December 2026
Brian Prescott
Term Expires: December 2026
Jilly Barnes
Term Expires: December 2025
James Henley
Term Expires: December 2027
Michael Haack
Term Expires: December 2027
Johnathan Witt
Term Expires: December 2027
John Nagel
Term Expires: December 2026
Katie Saunders
Term Expires: December 2026
Documents and Links
Download Documents:
DDA Meeting Minutes, 01/29/20 (PDF)
DDA Meeting Minutes, 02/12/20 (PDF)
DDA Meeting Minutes, 04/08/20 (PDF)
DDA Meeting Minutes, 04/17/20 (PDF)
DDA Meeting Minutes, 04/29/20 (PDF)
DDA Meeting Minutes, 06/10/20 (PDF)
DDA Meeting Minutes, 08/12/20 (PDF)
Village Green Web Cams
Watch live streams from two different angles, view the blue skies, beautiful water and wonderful atmosphere that Pentwater has to offer. To enjoy the views of the Village Green, please visit our web cams below.
Village Green Web Cam Water View
Village Green Web Cam Street View
Hancock Improvement Conceptual Plan
To view the Hancock Improvement Conceptual Plan, please click on the link below.
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